is proud to announce



deadline: DECEMBER 31th 2022


The contest is open to all composers, regardless of their age or nationality.

The scores must be written for:

  • solo soprano flute (or piccolo or alto flute),

  • solo sib clarinet

  • duo flute (or piccolo or alto flute) and clarinet

No electronic admitted.

The compositions must have a maximum duration of 10 minutes. Longer scores will be accepted at jury discration.

We accept compositions which have been already performed but not published.

Multiple submissions are possible. We request a fee of € 30 for the first score and €20 for the additional scores.


In order to participate, please submit the Google Form at this link: https://www.diaphonia.net/Flute-Clarinet-form.

No other methods of participation are allowed.

We request the following document:

1. A recent photo and a short biography (ITA/ENG);

2. A short description of the piece (ITA/ENG);

3. The proposed score in PDF format only. Each score must be anonymous and marked with a short identification motto, to be stated in the registration form. The duration of the composition must also be specified on each score;

4. A copy of the receipt of payment;

5. An audio recording of the score(s) (not mandatory);


The entry fee should be paid by Bank transfer. The bank details are as follows:

IBAN: IT82N0760116500001029771688
payable to Diaphonia Società Cooperativa, via Maroncelli 46, Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) 98051 – Italia.

It is also possible to pay by this paypal link: paypal.me/diaphonia

In order to match the receipt of payment with the corresponding composition, the title of the scores must be mentioned in the “reason for payment”.

The submission deadline is december 31th 2022.


The compositions will be judged by a Jury made up of at least 5 members choosen from conservatory teachers, performers and a member of the publisher Diaphonia Edizioni.

The decision of the Jury is final and irrevocable.


I PRIZE certificate, performance of the piece, possible audio/video record and pubblication of the score with Diaphonia Edizioni

II PRIZE certificate and pubblication of the score with Diaphonia Edizioni

III PRIZE certificate

The jury reserves the right to report scores deemed worthy of mention.


The winners will be notified by e-mail and they will receive a contract proposal by 20/01/2023.

The results will also be published on the diaphonia.net website and on its social media channels.

The organizer can decide to cancel the competition if the number of participants is not enough. In this case, the amounts already paid will be returned.

Further informations may be requested at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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